Rob Blonk


"Trust your path and do what makes you feel good"

Rob Blonk, soot research/analysis


Rob joined Context in 2023. After his career in the Royal Netherlands Navy, he quickly opted for entrepreneurship. As a result, he was more able to set his own course. His flexible mind and adaptability make him keen to take on challenges and not think in terms of problems. His eye for different perspectives makes him a valuable technician within Context.

Career in a nutshell

Rob served in the Royal Netherlands Navy from 1999 to 2006. First at the Mines Service where he participated in several major international exercises. From 2003 he was stationed in Curaçao, where he also spent a large part of his childhood. At the naval base, he was responsible for support and disaster recovery planning  for the islands within the kingdom.

After he left the navy, he trained as a refrigeration technician and worked in that industry for a short time. Entrepreneurship itched and in 2007 he took the step and joined Creative Constructions as an independent project leader in the events industry. Because the event world also had a hard time after 2008, he retrained as a waterspecialist. Since 2009, he has been carrying out risk analyses on drink watersystems, government buildings, hospitals, etc. Based on this expertise, he used his knowledge to draw up risk management plans and quality assurance for installations and users. In that capacity, he was occasionally called in by Context as an expert. Since his partnership, he has contributed to the further development of soot research within Context.

Nice to know

In addition to work, Rob likes to go out with his kayak or catch a wave with his surfboard. In addition, he is creative with waste metals, from which he makes art objects such as lamps. In other words, a creative technical jack-of-all-trades who does not shy away from a challenge.


In addition to his mother tongue (Dutch), Rob speaks good English and reasonable Spanish and Papiamento.