Inge Winter

In balance

"Being right and being considered to be right are two different things."

Inge Winter, loss adjuster liability

Human and commercial

With more than 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, Inge joined Context in 2012. This communicative loss adjuster is an expert in strategic thinking and negotiation, and is known for her ability to come up with unconventional solutions. Inge assesses losses but focuses mainly on finding solutions. Inge has an eye for the legal technical side, but also for the human and commercial side. Inge is regularly engaged for recovery and claims handling, for both uninsured and insured claims, for corporate clients and insurers. In doing so, she monitors the balance between costs, the loss and the amount to be recovered and all other relevant interests.

Career in a nutshell

Inge completed her studies in Dutch Law in 1989, specialising in private law and corporate law. She started her career as a lawyer in the claims department of UAP Assurances, the legal predecessor of AXA. In 1995 she continued her career at Winterthur in the claims department. Inge was also involved in the construction of Winterthur International, which was later renamed XL Insurance and more recently AXA XL. As a senior claims specialist, she mainly dealt with international liability and property damage and business interruption claims. In 2003 Inge was appointed Manager Claims at XL Insurance. In this position she managed a team of ten (senior) claims specialists. She was also a member of the XL Benelux Management Team and the European Claims Management Team. As a Claims Manager, Inge was directly involved in large and complex claims for various clients in the Netherlands and abroad. Inge is a NIVRE registered adjuster and FUEDI-ELAE certified.

Nice to know

Her perseverance applies to Inge not only in her work, but also in her spare time. She is an experienced equestrian and has participated in many Dutch competitions and championships with her horse. Also internationally Inge has plans and she would like to take part in competitions abroad in due course.


Besides Dutch, Inge speaks fluent English and German and has a reasonable understanding of the French language.